There are three types of collaborators based on their involvement in the development of the event.


Economic and/or material contributions between € 5,000 – € 15,000

Entities that want to:

  • COMMUNICATE current topics on innovation in all its aspects.
  • CAPTURE INTEREST from an audience highly interested in social and civic innovation projects.
  • BE PART OF a community with common interests where mutual work leads to mutual benefit.
  • TAKE ADVANTAGE of the innovative drive to build together and improve the territory in which we live.


Economic and/or material contribution between € 15,000 – € 30,000

Entities that want to:

  • ENDORSE Canary Islands as an international territory, connected through dynamic citizen innovation and sustainable urban development.
  • BOOST UP the development of this type of innovative content to society in global terms.
  • LEARNING AND SHARING knowledge about tools and methodologies for participation and collaboration to promote mutual entrepreneurship and local development.


Economic and/or material contribution greater than € 30,000

Entities that want to:

  • SUPPORT AND CONTRIBUTE to projects that work on the development of a model for advanced societies.
  • BOND AND ASSOCIATE with the actions along Glocal Camp, knowledge and skill set of CivicWise community for the projects developed in the local territory with short, medium and long-term impacts.
  • BUILD a new innovative, distributed and integrating framework with CivicWise in order to bind local and global projects.
  • GENERATE OPPORTUNITIES for all the actors and initiatives participating in the Glocal Camp ecosystem.