
I want to make Glocal Camp possible and sustainable

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Concrete objective

Make Glocal Camp an action of social co-responsibility to generate positive impact at the local level through knowledge and global collaboration.

Minimum/Optimal quantity

Optimum: € 50,000
Minimum: There is not a minimum amount. The money collected will be used to improve the conditions of the attendees and the organizers of the meeting.

What will the money be for?

We understand the organization related to the Glocal Camp event as an exercise of co-responsibility. Participation in any of the formats and activities is free since that is how we understand that access to knowledge generated in a shared way should be. This is possible thanks to the construction of a wide network of collaborators agents, which under different roles generate a mixed financing model by public, private or associative administrations.

However, the role of each individual person is also important as part of this broad network for the construction of co-responsibility. That is why we also open the possibility for the realization of anonymous individual donations that want to contribute economically to the development of the event. This encourages a greater construction of global knowledge with a greater impact at the local level of the activities that are developed.

That is why the totality of the resources collected will be to complete items of expenditure related to:

Accommodation, transportation and food for the people who participate.

Communication and documentation:
Audiovisual monitoring (photography and video) to document what happened and generate a greater local and global impact.
Documentation of conclusions, results and improvement strategies.